Chavez Moran’s International Vision

Daniel-Chavez-Moran-GlobalWith a focus on his family and philanthropic work after retirement, Daniel Chavez Moran continues to support efforts that promote political, economic and social development for the people and nations of Latin America. The Vidanta Foundation, which Chavez Moran founded, continues to actively influence public policies that strengthen democracy and promote Latin American international relations.

Recent Vidanta Foundation projects that reflect Chavez Moran’s international vision include:

  • Funding assistance for the workshop, “Scholars, Practitioners, and Inter-American Relations,” directed by Prof. Abraham Lowenthal of the Center for International Studies at the University of Southern California. The project was cosponsored other organizations from across the Americas.
  • Funding assistance for the “La Construcción de la Gobernabilidad Democrática” project, presented at an international seminar in Washington, D.C., and coordinated by Michael Shifter, president of the Inter-American Dialogue, and Jorge Dominguez from Harvard University. Read more about Daniel Chavez Moran and other scholarly projects of the Foundation.

Read more about Daniel Chavez Moran and other scholarly projects of the Foundation.

About danielchavezmoran

Daniel Jesus Chavez Moran is widely recognized for modernizing the Mexican tourism industry in the 1990s. Now retired, Chavez Moran now dedicates his time to his family, philanthropy and the support of educational programs.
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